Upright growing, the China Viburnam shrub produces layers of branches and white lace-cap flowers in spring which sit on top of the layered branches and renew themselves in July through to October when they are accompanied by decorative red fruits.
Découvrez les sélections de Lagerstroemia classiques et Indiya Charm ,d’Acer palmatum, d’Abelia, Camellia Japonica et Sasanqua, Cornus, Hydrangea, Loropetalum, Nandina, Prunus à fleurs, Viburnum, produites en pleine terre par trois pépiniéristes d’Aquitaine pour d’autres producteurs.
NavigationUpright growing, the China Viburnam shrub produces layers of branches and white lace-cap flowers in spring which sit on top of the layered branches and renew themselves in July through to October when they are accompanied by decorative red fruits.