Small variegated foliage, green with creamy white margins that are often edged with pink in spring and summer. In autumn the colour goes from scarlet pink to yellow orange
Adult height: 3 to 4m.
Position: Any.
Découvrez les sélections de Lagerstroemia classiques et Indiya Charm ,d’Acer palmatum, d’Abelia, Camellia Japonica et Sasanqua, Cornus, Hydrangea, Loropetalum, Nandina, Prunus à fleurs, Viburnum, produites en pleine terre par trois pépiniéristes d’Aquitaine pour d’autres producteurs.
NavigationSmall variegated foliage, green with creamy white margins that are often edged with pink in spring and summer. In autumn the colour goes from scarlet pink to yellow orange
Adult height: 3 to 4m.
Position: Any.